Our hand over procedure is designed to offer our Tenants flexibility and convenience in relation to their vacate.

Traditionally, tenants are restricted to Agency office hours, making the vacate process difficult to navigate around the process of moving, and their other life commitments, and adding unnecessary stress.

With our process, you are provided the freedom to vacate the property at any time; pending the Hand Over Procedure has been followed.


Ensure that you have met all of your lawful obligations prior to your vacate and hand over of the property.

If you are unsure of your obligations, ask for clarification prior to your vacate. We are here to help you.

  • Download your Entry Condition Report & Supporting Photos from your Tenant Portal or App, and use as a reference during your vacate.
  • Read and understand the terms of your agreement, governed by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (RTRA) Act.
  • Read and follow your Vacate Pack, including the Vacate Procedure and Vacating Tenant Checklist.

If you are unable to locate your Entry Condition Report, or Vacate Pack, please let us know and we will send them to you again.



On the day of vacate, notify Meraki Property Management that the property has been vacated, by completing the Vacate Confirmation & Hand Over Form.

Prior to completing the form, you must:

  • Ensure all of your obligations are met and the property is ready to be handed over
  • gather all keys and remotes and take a photo of them to upload with the form
  • have a copy of all receipts/invoices available to be uploaded to the form. If works have been completed and you are awaiting an invoice/receipt, you may email this at a later date when received.

This process can be completed any day or time using the online form. A confirmation will be sent to your nominated email when the form has been successfully submitted.


Confirm that you have all the keys and remotes provided to you at the commencement of your tenancy, as per your Key Copy.

  • Complete the Vacate Confirmation & Hand Over Form, as instructed in step 2 (above).
  • Place ALL keys and remotes together in the top kitchen drawer. If it is identified that you continue to have possession of keys to access the premises after your vacate, the property may be rekeyed at your cost.
  • Ensure that you have not changed any locks at the property without providing a copy of the entry access keys to the Agent. If we are unable to access the premises due to locks being changed, costs incurred to access the property may be forwarded to you. If you are unsure, you are welcome to arrange a Hand Over Appointment with us.
  • Ensure the property is locked and secured, leaving all keys and remotes in the top kitchen drawer.

Please Note: Should there be damage caused to the premises as a result of the premises being unsecure, you may be responsible for all costs incurred to rectify any damage.



Steps 4-6 of the Vacate Procedure will commence upon receipt of completed Vacate Confirmation & Hand Over Form.

Please Note: The property will not be considered as ‘vacated’ until the Hand Over procedure is completed; and lawful timeframes will not commence.

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CLICK HERE to download our Vacate Pack

  • Vacate Guide
  • Vacating Tenant Checklist
  • Vacate Procedure
  • Hand Over Procedure
  • Vacate Confirmation


  • Returned the premises to the same condition it was in at the start of the tenancy, as per your Entry Condition Report
  • Carpets professionally cleaned (where applicable)
  • Flea & Tick Treatment professionally completed (where applicable)
  • Wheelie Bins are clean, empty & stored in the garage
  • All damages have been repaired to a satisfactory standard
  • All rubbish and personal items have been removed
  • All blown light bulbs, fluro tubes and perished batteries have been replaced
  • The premises is free of any vermin or pest infestation
  • The premises is securely locked
  • Rent is paid to vacate date, or handover date (whichever comes last)
  • A copy of all invoices have been provided
  • All keys & remotes have been returned, in good working order

Meraki Property Management will not be liable for Tenant’s failure to complete the steps within the procedure, or to make alternative arrangements prior to the end of their tenancy.

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Meraki Property Management